Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicken: Complete Breed Information

Thinking about a perfect dual-purpose chicken, Silver laced Wyandotte can be a perfect pick for you. These are actually the real Wyandottes. Silver laced is also the first-ever variety of Wyandotte chickens and all other color variations emerged from them.

Silver laced is a beautiful coloration with black and white feathering. They are cold-hardy birds having a polite personality. This was the first variety in the United States that was used for both egg and meat purposes. 

So, here’s the history, personality, appearance, egg production, and care guide of these beautiful chickens. 

Origin and History

The Wyandottes have a very rich history as they were the first dual-purpose breed of America. The sole purpose behind their creation was to get both egg and meat from a single chicken. These chickens emerged in the 1870s. H.M Doubleday, L. Whittaker, J. Ray, and F. Houdlette are the four men behind the creation of this wonderful breed. 

The Wyandottes were initially (before 1883) called American Sebright or Mooney chickens but later the name Wyandotte was given to them. The Wyandottes came into existence as a result of a cross between various chicken breeds like Brahmas and silver-spangled Hamburgs.

a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen
A Silver Laced Wyandotte hen

Silver Laced Wyandotte is also famous as the original Wyandotte. The reason behind this is that they were the first ever variety of the Wyandotte breed and all other color varieties have emerged from them. The silver-laced were then further crossed with different breeds to form other color varieties of the Wyandottes. 

APA Recognition 

The Silver laced Wyandotte is the most popular variety of the Wyandotte breed. This was the first color variety of the Wyandottes. In 1883 they became the first variety of this breed to be added in the list of recognized breeds of the American Poultry Association (APA). The other varieties were added later including the following:

  • Silver laced – 1883
  • Gold laced – 1888
  • Buff – 1893
  • Partridge -1893
  • Black – 1893
  • Silver Penciled – 1902
  • Columbian – 1905
  • Blue – 1977

Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicken Overview

BreedSilver Laced Wyandotte Chicken
Primary Uses Egg and Meat Production
Egg ColorLight Brown 
Egg SizeLarge
Egg Production200 – 240 eggs per year
WeightHen 7 lbs & Rooster 8.5 lbs
Lifespan6+ years
TemperamentDocile and Polite
Laying Maturity16-20 weeks


The Silver laced are counted among the most beautiful colorations of the Wyandotte breed. Their most striking feature is the elegant silver laced feather pattern. The base of the feathers is black with silver and white lacing around the edges but the tail is more blackish in color.

a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen

These chickens have a strong well-rounded body with a broad chest. Their head is slightly rounded while the beak is medium sized, which helps them in foraging. The color of the beak is also yellow just like the legs and feet. 

They have a single, smooth, and slightly curved comb which is red in color. The earlobes and wattles are also red. 


  • Red Earlobes and wattles
  • Silver Lacing 
  • Laced Pattern
  • Single red comb
  • Well-rounded body
  • Yellow beak
  • Broad Chest

Weight of Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicken

These are not too much large chickens but the weight can also vary among different individuals. 

  • The Roosters weigh around 8.5 lbs (4kg)
  • The Hens can also weigh around 6 to 7 lbs (3kg)

Color Varieties of Silver Laced Wyandotte

Wyandottes have a lot of color varieties, 9 of them are recognized by the APA while almost 30 varieties are added in the European Standards. Each variety has its own unique characteristics. 

A Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicken rooster and hen
Silver Laced Wyandotte Chickens

Silver laced is the first variety so, all of them have somehow emerged from them. Here are the most famous variations of the Wyandottes,

The Personality of Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicken

Temperament & Behavior

Silver Laced are friendly and have a calm temperament. They never engage in fights with other chickens and also mix well with other breeds. They might not start a fight but if somehow any other chicken starts a fight with them, they will surely end the fight because they are strong birds. 

Silver Laced Wyandotte hen vs rooster
Silver Laced Wyandotte hen vs rooster

They are beginner friendly and you can keep them as family birds due to their friendly nature. The hens of this breed are so calm and good with kids. The roosters are also docile but they can occasionally get aggressive to show their power. 


No one can tell the exact lifespan of any breed but the average lifespan can be assumed by various surveys and calculations. So, if these chickens get a healthy diet and a good living environment, they can live between 6 to 10 years. But it can vary among different individuals.

Noise Level

Silver laced Wyandottes are not noisy chickens because they mostly like to stay calm and palm doing their own things. They have a very low noise level but roosters can sometimes increase their voice for crowing. You can keep these chickens in noise-restricted areas and urban societies. 


These chickens are very cold-hardy and can survive in extremely cold weather. Their rose-type comb also protects them from frostbites. Hence, these chickens are ideal for people living in snowy areas. They can also tolerate heat but only to an extent and will need some extra care in extremely hot climates. 

a couple of Silver Laced Wyandotte hens

Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicken Eggs

As we know, Wyandottes were created to get a dual-purpose advantage for the people of the United States. So here’s the egg and meat production of Silver Laced Wyandottes,

Egg Production and Color

Besides her looks, the Silver Laced Wyandotte hen is also popular for her egg production. These hens are excellent egg layers. On an average, they can lay 3 to 4 eggs per week. However, in some rare cases we have even seen these hens laying 6 eggs per week. 

Overall their egg production is between 200-240 eggs per year. The eggs are also large and light brown in color. The hens of this breed usually start laying eggs at the age of about 5 to 6 months.

Meat Production 

Silver laced are also large in size and have some extra meat on their chest. Their large physique makes them perfect for the dinner table. Additionally, their meat is also tender and flavorful which further increases their importance in the meat market.

a pack of Silver Laced Wyandotte Chickens

Pros and Cons of Silver Laced Wyandotte Chicken

Every breed has some advantages and disadvantages so, here are some of the major Pros and Cons of Silver-Laced Wyandotte Chicken,


  • Beautiful plumage
  • Cold Hardy breed 
  • Docile Temperament 
  • Light brown egg color 
  • Dual-purpose chickens 


  • Less egg production than some prolific breeds. 
  • Need extra feather maintenance 
  • Might struggle in hot climates 
  • Sustainability to common health disease 
  • Requires vast space for good growth 
Silver Laced Wyandotte Chickens


Silver laced Wyandotte is a perfect breed for any chicken enthusiast. They are the real Wyandottes. These are dual-purpose chickens with friendly temperaments and also have polite behavior with other breeds. Above all, they can give you both eggs and meat to even start your own small business. So, if you have any interest in keeping Wyandottes then there is no better option than the Silver laced Wyandottes. 

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