Cuckoo Marans Chicken: Complete Breed Information

Cuckoo Marans are beautiful medium size chickens that are famous for their dark brown eggs and polite nature. Cuckoo Marans is a variety of the popular breed Marans Chickens that originated in France and are known for their color varieties, temperament and dual purpose.

Maran Chickens have a few further types but we are going to discuss only about the Cuckoo Marans Chicken. They are both a backyard and barnyard chicken breed.

History of Cuckoo Marans

Cuckoo Marans Chickens are known to have originated in the Maran region of France in the mid-1800s and that’s why this breed was given the name “Maran”. Cuckoo Marans, or French Cuckoo Marans, are popular for their unique cuckoo color, and you can guess why this bird is called Cuckoo Maran. They became popular in the United Kingdom due to their dark brown eggs in the early 1900s.

According to some research, they are believed to be a crossbreed of Barred Plymouth Rock, Croad Langshan, and Coucou de Malines. This chicken breed also looks a bit similar to the Barred Plymouth Rock in appearance. These chickens are also among the most common varieties of Maran Chickens. 

Cuckoo Marans Chicken – Overview

BreedMarans Chicken
Colors Cuckoo
Primary Uses Egg and Meat Production
Egg ColorDark Brown
Egg SizeMedium to Large
Egg Production200 – 250 eggs per year
WeightHen 6 lbs & Rooster 8.5 lbs
Lifespan7+ years
TemperamentDocile and Polite
Laying MaturityAfter 5 to 6 months
Beginner Friendly Yes

Color Varieties

Cuckoo Marans is a popular color variety of Marans Chickens. A few varieties of this breed has also been recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA). However, the most famous varieties of Marans chickens are,

  • Golden Cuckoo Marans
  • Black Copper Marans
  • Blue Copper Marans
  • Wheaten Marans
  • Black-Tailed Buff
  • White Marans
  • Black Marans
  • Splash Marans
  • Birchen Marans
  • Columbian Marans


Cuckoo Marans have quite a beautiful look with black feathers and alternating white bars. They can easily be recognized with their barred or cuckoo coloring. As mentioned above, these chickens look quite similar to Plymouth Barred Rocks.

cuckoo marans vs plymouth barred rock comparison

This beautiful bird has a single bright red comb that gives the chicken an astonishing look. They also have bright red earlobes and wattles. They have fluffy black and white feathers. Blue cuckoo marans and golden cuckoo marans are some of the other famous breeds that have a bit of a similar cuckoo appearance.


Some of the main Features of Cuckoo Marans Chicken are,

  • Single Red Comb 
  • Bare Legs 
  • Black and White Fluffy Feathers 
  • Bright red wattles
  • Red earlobes
  • Plain Pinkish Legs


These chickens are usually larger than any other average-sized breed. An average-sized rooster is 6 pounds, and a hen is 5.7 pounds. But a cuckoo marans rooster weighs about 7 pounds on average, while cuckoo marans hens are closer to 6 pounds, and their fluffy feathers make them look even bigger.

A cuckoo marans hen and cuckoo marans rooster
A cuckoo marans hen and cuckoo marans rooster

Lifespan of Cuckoo Marans

The lifespan of any chicken breed can vary depending on many factors such as diet, living conditions, genetics, and healthcare. According to various research, These chickens are believed to have an average lifespan of about 8 years, which is a decent lifespan as most of the chickens live between 3 and 7 years.

However, the productivity of chicken breeds, especially egg-laying breeds like Cuckoo Marans, tends to decline as they get older. To ensure the health of your Cuckoo Marans and to maximize their lifespan, it is very essential to provide them with a safe and comfortable coop, a healthy and balanced diet, clean water, good living conditions, and regular veterinary care.

Dual-Purpose Bird

Cuckoo Maran are popular as a dual-purpose bird which is believed to be a special quality in chickens. Dual-purpose breeds are those chicken breeds that are known for both their egg-laying ability and meat production. Hence, Cuckoo Maran Chicken is valued for both its egg and meat production.

Meat Production

Cuckoo marans are considered one of the best breeds for meat production due to their relatively bigger size as compared to most of the common chicken breeds. Their meat is typically flavorful and due to their big size, these beautiful birds are included in the list of best meat-productive chickens

Egg Production

An average Cuckoo Maran hen can lay more than 4 medium size eggs per week. With a proper diet and suitable living environment, these chickens can produce 200-270 eggs in the first year. However, egg production decreases by about 10-12% each year as the chicken gets older.

 cuckoo marans eggs
Cuckoo Marans Eggs

Their egg production period usually starts between 6 to 9 months (24 weeks to 36 weeks), while in most of the other common breeds, this period begins between 5 to 6 months.

Cuckoo Marans Egg Color

Cuckoo Marans unique egg color is one of the main reasons behind the popularity of this chicken breed. They are famous for their brown egg production and are among the fewest chicken breeds that lay brown eggs. 

The Personality of Cuckoo Marans Chicken


Cuckoo Marans chickens are one of the friendliest chicken breeds. They have a friendly and lovable nature. They show good behavior with other chickens, and that’s why they can be kept together with other breeds. These chickens are not usually popular for being aggressive, but they can show a bit harsh attitude towards the new chickens and roosters in your backyard.

Active Birds

They are a very curious and alert chickens. Cuckoo Marans may look into their surroundings and show interest in several objects or activities.

cuckoo marans hen


Cuckoo Marans are famous for their hardiness, which means they can survive in very tough and cold conditions, and being a cold hardy breed, they are also disease resistant.

Due to their fluffy and dark feathers, they can survive in extremely cold weather and they don’t even need a heater or other special device to stay warm in winter. But obviously, you have to ensure they are warm and have access to clean water in their coops in extreme cold conditions. However, these birds can face difficulty in hot weather, and you need to take extra care of them in summer. 

Noise Level

Marans generally have a moderate or low noise level. Cuckoo Maran hens may cluck gently while foraging, and the roosters may crow to display territory or communicate with the flock.

Cuckoo marans roosters are usually much louder than hens. You can keep them in areas with noise restrictions, and if noise is causing problems, you can go with the hens as they don’t crow like the roosters. 

Pros and Cons of Cuckoo Marans Chicken

The pros and cons of these chickens are

Pros and Cons of Cuckoo Marans Chicken


  • Excellent foragers
  • Good Egg Production
  • Beautiful Dark brown eggs
  • Good meat Production
  • Friendly temperament


  • Frostbite prone
  • Don’t like too much handling
  • Expensive Chicks
  • Fewer Eggs per annum then production breeds

Conclusion: Are they right for you?

Cuckoo Marans are also beginner-friendly due to their gentle temperament, cold tolerance, and friendly personality. Basically, the purpose of the chicken is an important factor in this decision. These chickens produce a good amount of meat and produce an average number of eggs per year.

If you are looking for a friendly breed that lays dark brown eggs, survives in cold conditions and has a dual purpose, these chickens may be a great choice for you!

On the other hand, don’t consider them if you live in an area or region where the weather is mostly hot and warm. So, Cuckoo Marans can be a very good choice for you, especially if you are a beginner. 


Are Cuckoo Marans good chickens?

Cuckoo Marans are excellent chickens and are also beginner-friendly. They lay brown eggs, docile in nature, dual-purpose bird, and have a good lifespan. All these traits makes them an ideal and good chicken breed

How many eggs a year do Cuckoo Marans lay?

An average Cuckoo Maran hen can lay more than 4 medium size eggs per week. With a proper Diet and suitable living environment, these chickens can produce 200-270 eggs in the first year. However, the egg production decreases about 10-12% each year as the chicken gets older.

What color eggs do Cuckoo Marans lay?

Cuckoo Marans unique egg color is one of the main reasons behind the popularity of this chicken breed. They are famous for their brown egg production and are among the fewest chicken breeds that lay brown eggs. 

What is the lifespan of a Cuckoo Maran chicken?

The lifespan of Cuckoo Marans can vary depending on many factors such as diet, living conditions, genetics, and healthcare. According to various researches, these chickens have an average lifespan of about 8 years, which is a decent lifespan as most of the chickens live between 3 and 7 years.

When does the Cuckoo Marans start laying eggs?

Their egg production period usually starts between 6 to 9 months (24 weeks to 36 weeks) while in most of the other common breeds this period begins between 5 to 6 months.

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