Black Copper Marans: Complete Breed Information

Black Copper Marans is an attractive and famous variety of Marans Chickens. They have gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to their unique egg color. This chicken breed has a distinctive color combination and its excellent meat and egg production ability makes this chicken an ideal choice to get a place in your flock.

So, in this article we will take a look at the complete breed information of black copper marans including their origin, features, appearance, egg color and production

History of Black Copper Marans

The original Copper Marans were known as “poule de Marans” and they originated from Marans and La Rochelle’s areas of western France. These birds were first locally known as “swamp chickens” because of the swampy and marshy area in which they originated. 

These chickens were crossed with gamecocks and the local barnyard hens that the sailors brought from India and Indonesia in the early 19th century. This cross between the original marans and gamecocks was known as “Marandaise Fowl”. The Marandaise Fowl was then further crossed with the Croad Langshan chicken, which finally created this excellent breed of chicken that we know today as the Black Copper Maran.

After World War 2, these birds were in danger of extinction. However, due to their cultural importance to the French, Black Copper Marans were successfully rescued through a breeding program along with the other recognized varieties of Marans chicken by the French Department of Agriculture. 

Their egg production also increased to almost 200 eggs per year through that breeding program. In the 1990s, these unique chickens became famous in North America because of their dark reddish brown eggs.

A Black copper marans pair


Black Copper Marans chickens have a single comb and beautiful black feathers with copper flecks. Their deep black feathers may give a green iridescence in the sunlight. These chickens are mostly clean-legged, and their plumage is impressively soft, making them great to cuddle with!

The Black Copper Marans rooster is usually more good-looking than the Black Copper Marans hen as it is more prominent in size and has a coppery/reddish tone around the neck. The hen is also a beautiful bird, but the their rooster has a different charm.


Some of the main features of Black Copper Marans chicken are:

  • Single red Comb 
  • Red Earlobes and Wattles
  • Strong beak
  • Orange-colored eyes
  • Clean Legs 
  • Black Feathers with Copper flecks
  • White Skin Color
Black Copper Marans rooster


They are a large-sized chicken breed. An average black copper marans rooster weighs around 7-8 lbs, while the black copper marans hen around 6.5 to 7.5 lbs. However, some individuals of this breed can grow a bit larger due excellent diet and care.

Breed Standard

The black copper marans is a popular variety of Marans Chicken breed. American Poultry Association (APA) recognized these chickens in 2011. It is now amongst the most famous and loved chicken breeds in the world. Some other famous varieties of Marans are mention below:

  • Cuckoo Marans
  • Blue Copper Marans
  • Golden Cuckoo Marans
  • Wheaten Marans
  • White Marans
  • Colombian Marans
  • Birchen Marans

The Personality of the Black Copper Marans:


The lifespan of Black Copper Marans can vary depending on many factors such as diet, living conditions, genetics, and healthcare. Usually, Black Copper Marans have an average lifespan of about 7 to 8 years.

Providing a comfortable coop, healthy diet, clean water, good living conditions, and regular veterinary care to your Black Copper Marans is crucial to maximize their lifespan.


Black Copper Marans temperament can vary among different individuals but most of them share common traits. Their DNA contains both the genes of a fighting chicken and also those of a friendly barnyard chicken. The black copper maran rooster can sometimes fight with other roosters, and they enjoy foraging.

Black Copper Marans characteristics

The hens of this breed are mostly quiet and gentle and can enjoy cuddling but no an extent. They can even tolerate detention to a limit because these birds are naturally active and enjoy foraging and free-ranging environments. These beautiful chickens like to roam around in free space, which is also suitable for their health and production. They can tolerate the extreme cold weather of winter, given suitable housing and shelter. 


Black Copper Marans are not very vulnerable to common diseases like other animals. They rarely get sick and can tolerate difficult conditions with ease. These birds are also very hygienic than other chicken breeds. Their clean habits might be the reason for their good resistance to diseases. They can survive in very harsh and cold conditions and don’t require any heater to keep their bodies warm. So, they are disease resistant as a cold and hardy breed. These chickens can even tolerate moderate amounts of heat.

Black Copper Marans Egg Production and Color: 

Egg Color

The most unique feature of the black copper marans is its rich chocolate-brown egg. The egg color might vary depending on the number of eggs your hen produces. If your hen is laying fewer eggs, the egg color will be full dark brown but if the egg production is higher, the color will be less darker.

The distinctive egg color of these chickens is because of the pigment, known as porphyrin, used in the shells of its eggs. This pigment gives these eggs their unique chocolate color. However, due to their dark color, their rate of hatching is lower. It is a simple formula that the darker the egg color is the lesser their chance is to hatch and that’s why their eggs are so expensive.

Egg Production

Black Copper Marans hen are good layers and can lay 3-5 eggs per week and a maximum of 200 eggs per year. A Black Copper Maran hen usually starts laying eggs around 24 to 26 weeks. One more thing that most people don’t know is that the popularity of copper maran eggs is not only because of their color but also for their taste.

A Black copper marans

Their eggs have a rich and creamy flavor that sets them apart from other eggs. Mr. James Bond also loved the eggs of these amazing chicken and according to some books, these were his favorites eggs.

Conclusion: Are they right for you?

The Black Copper Marans is one of the most attractive chicken breeds in the world. While they might have less egg production as compared to other breeds, their unique egg color will always have an edge over others. They are friendly and docile birds that are easy to manage for even a beginner. So, in short, if you want a docile chicken breed with dark brown eggs, then these chickens are the best suited for you.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article and gained some valuable information about black copper marans that will make you return to read more of our work.


Why are black copper Marans so expensive?

The distinctive egg color of these chickens is because of the pigment, known as porphyrin, used in the shells of its eggs. This pigment gives these eggs their unique chocolate color. However, due to their dark color, their rate of hatching is lower. It is a simple formula that the darker the egg color is the lesser their chance is to hatch and that’s why their eggs are so expensive.

Are Black Copper Marans good egg layers?

Black Copper Marans hen are good layers and can lay 3-5 eggs per week. They can produce an average of 200 eggs per year but these numbers can increase or decrease depending upon the feed they eat.

At what age do black copper Marans start laying?

Black Copper Marans hen are good layers and can lay 3-5 eggs per week and a maximum of 200 eggs per year. A Black Copper Maran hen usually starts laying eggs around 24 to 26 weeks

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