Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken: Breed Information 

Splash Laced Red Wyandotte is an extremely beautiful chicken. Their eye-catching color can attract any chicken lover. This color variety of the Wyandottes is also very rare, which makes them more special. They are also dual-purpose chickens and their friendly temperament makes them suitable for backyard chicken keeping. 

The hens of this breed occasionally go broody but still they make excellent mothers. They love free ranging but can also tolerate confinement. 

So, here is the history, appearance, egg production, personality, and care guide of these elegant and unique birds. 

Origin and History

As you know, these chickens are a color variation of Wyandotte chickens and the Wyandottes were created in the 1870s. They came into being by the experiments of four breeders Fred Houdlette, John Ray. L. Whittaker, and H.M. Doubleday. These four most probably created them by crossing the Spangled Hamburgs with the Brahma chickens.

Silver laced was the first color variation of Wyandottes. Golden laced was the second official color variety and then the list goes on as many color varieties were created including the buff and blue laced wyandottes. 

Blue laced red Wyandottes are the latest variety of Wyandottes and the Splash laced Red Wyandottes were also created from them in the U.S.  

Splash laced red wyandotte chickens pair in open field
Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Pair

Splash Laced Red Wyandotte – Overview

NameSplash laced Red Wyandotte
BreedWyandotte Chicken
Beginner FriendlyYes
Primary UsesDual-purpose Breed
Egg colorLight brown 
Egg Production180-200 eggs per year
Egg SizeLarge
Lifespan6 – 8 years
TemperamentFriendly (Roosters are a bit aggressive)
WeightHen 6-6.5 pounds, Rooster 7-8 pounds
Cold TolerantYes
Heat TolerantNo
Noise Level Moderate


Splash Laced Red Wyandotte have gained a lot of popularity recently because of their unique and beautiful appearance. They have reddish brown plumage and have a lacing pattern of red/mahogany color. Their pale gray splash lacing around the edges of their feathers adds more charm to their beauty. 

The splash color is a type of blue color variation of the Wyandottes and this is also the lightest shade among the blue variety. They have a rounded, curvy posture which gives them an elegant look.

A Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Hen

These birds have red rose type comb and clean yellow-skinned legs. They have red earlobes and wattles while the beak is dark golden in color. Their eyes are bright and yellow. 


Splash Laced Red Wyandotte is a large-sized breed. They have dense feathers and have extra muscles on their muscles that make them look bigger. 

  • Their Rooster can weigh between 7-8 pounds 
  • The Hens weigh between 6 – 6.5 pounds.

However, keep in mind that their weight can vary depending on the feed and care you are providing to them. 

APA Recognition 

They are gorgeous chickens but sadly they are still not recognized by the American Poultry Association(APA) . They are the latest color variety of the Wyandottes so, APA will take some time to add them into their list of recognized chicken breeds. 

splash laced red wyandotte hen vs rooster

Color Varieties 

The Splash laced Red Wyandotte is one of the many color variations of Wyandotte chickens.  This variety came into being from the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and both of them are still not officially recognized by the APA. 

However, many color varieties of Wyandottes are also approved by the APA including the silver and golden laced wyandottes. The Wyandotte chickens come in three different types and each type has its own different color variations. 

  • Laced Wyandottes: Silver laced, blue laced, gold laced, buff laced…..
  • Marked Wyandottes: Silver Pencilled, black-white Columbian…… 
  • Single-colored Wyandottes: Blue, Black, White,…….

The Personality of Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken 

Temperament & Behavior

Just like all the varieties of the Wyandottes, Splash laced red Wyandottes are also friendly and polite. They are calm birds and don’t get aggressive towards humans and other chickens. They can mix well with other chicken breeds but the roosters can occasionally show aggression to prove their dominance which is a common trait in almost all roosters of any chicken breed. 

A flock of splash laced red Wyandotte chickens
A Flock of Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Chickens

The hens will always stay polite and if you have a family with small children then don’t worry because they will not harm your little ones. Due to their heavy physique, silver laced red wyandottes are mostly positioned high in the pecking order. 


Splash Laced Red Wyandottes are a strong and hardy breed and their average lifespan is about 6 to 8 years. But this factor also depends a lot on the care they get from their breeder. 

Noise Level

As we mentioned earlier, these chickens are very  polite and calm. They mostly stay quiet enjoying their own company and finding food in the free range. Their moderate noise level makes them suitable for backyard chicken keeping. 


Splash Laced Red Wyandotte chickens are also very cold hardy, they can tolerate harsh weathers with ease.  Their dense feathers help them to survive in areas with extreme cold weather conditions. They can also bear confinement but providing a little free ranging to the chickens is always recommended.


The hens of this breed occasionally get broody but when they are allowed to get broody, they make excellent mothers. They will take care of both the eggs and chicks. The chicks will be safe from predators due to their mother. 

Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Rooster
Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Rooster

However, the egg production will temporarily stop as broody hens don’t lay eggs. But the good thing is that you can hatch a lot of baby chicks due to this process. 

Splash Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken Egg and Meat Production 

Splash laced red Wyandotte are also dual-purpose chickens. They lay beautiful large eggs and they are also good for meat purposes. 

Egg Production 

Their hens are neither the best egg layers nor the worst. They can lay almost 3 to 4 eggs per week and you can expect 200 eggs per year from them which is a decent number. The size of the eggs is large and are light brown in color. These hens mostly start laying eggs at the age of 6 months. 

  • Egg size: Large 
  • Egg Color: Light Brown 
  • Eggs per week: 3-4
  • Eggs per year: 180-200
  • Age of starting laying eggs:  6 months 
Splash Laced Red Wyandottes Growing Phases
Splash Laced Red Wyandottes Growing Phases

Meat Production

Splash laced Wyandottes have a heavy physique, they are bigger in size than many chicken breeds. Their thighs and chest also has a lot of fat and muscles. Hence, they are perfect for meat production. 

How to Raise Silver Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken?  

Care & Protection

Splash laced Red Wyandottes are cold hardy chickens and surviving in winters is not a big problem for them. But they might need a little bit extra care in the summers. Water availability and airy space can help them to easily pass the hot season. 

They are not prone to many diseases but the chicks can easily get sick so vaccination must be done as soon as possible. If you see any chicken looking lazy or having any health problem, take them to the nearest veterinary doctor to avoid any loss. 

Housing or Coop Set up

Making a good coop is the best way to take good care of your chickens. Make a comfortable and airy coop for your Wyandottes. The size of the coop can depend on the space you have but ideally a 4-6 square feet coop is enough for these chickens.

Splash laced red Wyandottes hens and rooster

Water should be available in their coops and don’t forget to put comfortable nesting boxes for the hens where they can lay eggs. 


Splash Laced red Wyandotte are amazing chickens having some brilliant qualities that can force you to add them in your flock. They are friendly and cold-hardy. Their beautiful coloration will also add a lot of charm to your flock.

They will easily adjust with other chicken breeds. Additionally, their egg and meat production can benefit you a lot because you can use them at both home and commercial level.

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